It's time to start posting again

I'm down to my last six weeks at Microsoft and I'm on what we call in the UK 'gardening leave' or garden leave. Needless to say, I have a bit of free time on my hands before I start my next adventure in June. As my next role is a…

Starting a Ghost blog on DigitalOcean - Part One

It only took me around ten years, but I finally decided to do something with my domain name. At some point I'll make another post about imposter syndrome, but for now I'll write a synopsis on setting up a small Ghost-based blog on a $5/mo DigitalOcean droplet. There are…

It's alive

Hi, I'm Cassie! I finally decided to get a website online after owning my domain for around ten years, and having also stalked its availability for many years. I feel like I have imposter syndrome and have put off making my website, but it's time to inflict my thoughts upon…